Elon Musk reveals whether he's seen evidence of alien life


Elon Musk, CEO of Space X, has some knowledge of space exploration, but he claims that he hasn't yet seen any evidence of "conscious" alien life anywhere in the universe.

"You know, a lot of people ask me, where are the aliens? In addition, Musk stated in an interview with "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Tuesday that "I think if anyone would know about aliens on Earth it would probably be me."

"Yeah, I know a lot about space stuff, you know. Aliens are also absent from my observation. As a result, I wish I could immediately tweet about it. That'd be loved all time - - presumably the top tweet ever. Guys, we found one!" He laughed.

Musk recalled a story he had heard about a general in the 1960s who, while attempting to increase the defense budget for the United States, came up with the idea that if an alien were ever discovered, the news should be made immediately.

"Do you know what would truly generate zero disagreements? If we summoned an extraterrestrial being and stated, "We need money to protect ourselves from these guys," Do you know, "How much money do you want?" It all made sense to you. They look perilous,'" the Twitter Chief playfully made sense of. " Therefore, bringing in an alien would be the most efficient strategy for increasing the defense budget.

Musk went on to say that, to the best of his knowledge, there is no evidence of "conscious" life in space. However, he said that if there were, he would like it to be "peaceful."

In addition, Musk expressed his concerns regarding declining birth rates, arguing that he desires civilization to progress "onward and upward" rather than repopulate at a low rate.

"The urge to have sex and to procreate is, after breathing and eating, the most basic urge... How has it been subverted," Carlson interjected, asking the billionaire why he believed that.

"Once you have birth control and, you know, abortions and other similar procedures, you can still satisfy your limbic instinct, but you can't have children. "This is all fairly recent, you know, the last fifty years or so for birth control," Musk replied, "so we haven't yet evolved to deal with that." Yes, then. You know, I'm kind of worried that civilization will fall apart if we don't produce enough people to at least maintain our numbers or maybe even grow a little bit. Like the old question, will civilization end with a whimper or a bang? In adult diapers, it's currently trying to end with a whimper."

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