Hawke’s Bay earthquake swarm: Reactions to severe quakes

 The earthquake has a magnitude of 5.9 according to GeoNet.

At a depth of 22 kilometers, it made contact near Prangahau in Hawke's Bay around 10.16 a.m.

On GeoNet, more than 20,000 individuals, most of whom resided in the North Island, reported feeling the quake.

At 10.19 a.m., a 5.3 magnitude aftershock struck the same location three minutes later. The depth of this earthquake was 15 kilometers.

NZ Common Safeguard has affirmed there is no torrent danger after the quake.

Peggy Scott, a resident of Rangahau, felt the initial jolt and subsequent tremors.

"It was colossal, and it crushed a couple of things," she said.

She is presently setting up a go-sack and pressing supplies in the event that any longer seismic tremors occur.

"I was holding onto my couch here in Napier, saying a word or two," said another person who felt the shaking.

Although people have reported items breaking and falling off shelves, the earthquake has not caused any significant damage.

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