Blendi Klosi viral video scandal sparks outrage online twitter and reddit

 For the past many days, a video is making huge rounds on the internet and circling swiftly with the title “Blendi Klosi leaked video”.

 In fact, Blendi Klosi’s leaked video has taken over the internet by storm and making noise there leaving netizens to search the video and watch it. Needless to say, as the video is said to be of Blendi Klosi who is involved in a scandal, it is receiving people’s attention and causing a stir. The video has set social media on fire due to which netizens have been thrown into a frenzy about how to watch Blendi Klosi’s leaked video.


If you are also scrambling websites to watch the leaked content of Blendi Klosi, you should read this article completely first as we have some important regarding Blendi Klosi’s leaked video to share with you. Kindly swipe down the page and read more details.

Blendi Klosi viral video

Nowadays, fake news becomes viral very quickly and it has become very easy to share videos and photos which are said to be well-known personalities involved in sexual scandals. The aim of spreading the videos is to denigrate and blackmail well-known people. 

The rumors claimed that the former mayor of Kukes, Safet Gjici’s video of having s3x with a co-worker in the office of the Municipality has gone viral. Moreover, an account on Instagram called shared a video saying that the man in the video for a few seconds was nonother than Minister of Tourism Blendi Klosi. Drag down the page.

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